&hint1=I am a 19th century mask& &hint2=I was a key component to the oral tradition of the Northwest coast peoples& &hint3=I was used in dances inside village homes& &hint4=I show three different forms that open up one inside the other& &choices=Bride of the Wind (The Tempest);Kwakiutl;Danae;Bella Coola;Chilkat blanket;The Self Seer II (Death and the Man)& &answer=Kwakiutl& &search=Kwakiutl mask& &title=Kwakiutl, mask depicting a man inside a sea raven inside a bull head, Drury Inlet& &artist=& &medium=Wood& &date=19th century& &location=American Museum of Natural History, New York& &dimensions=2' 1/4" x 1'9 1/2"&